My Favorite Women – September

It’s almost November. 2018 has been one of the fastest years of my life. I’d say the last two years have been absolute whirlwinds with major personal change and major political change. Obviously, not all change is great and not all change is bad. While our country still sits in a divisive climate, I’m going to keep celebrating. So here’s to the strong women of September!

  1. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

    Dr. Blasey Ford came forward with allegations of sexual assault against a man who had been nominated to a life long position of power. Regardless of the outcome, 266cbad29ec45928cca5238dda9767d5.jpgBlasey Ford faced copious amounts of hatred and harassment, both in person and online. Despite threats against her well being and that of her family, Blasey Ford did what she could to raise a red flag against potential corruption. 

2. Serena Williams

Serena Williams is one of the greatest athletes, ever. unnamed.jpgThis past September, Williams faced criticism when the tennis pro defended herself against cheating allegations during the US Open final.
Headlines spread like wildfire and many quickly placed Williams into the angry-black-woman stereotype, brushing aside her anger and chalking it up to female “emotions”. Williams is on our September list for speaking up on behalf of herself and refusing to placate herself. Get it, girl.

3. Dr. Elina Berglund


Dr. Elina Berglund is the co-founder of a holistic birth control algorithm and app, called Natural Cycles (used by yours truly *post coming soon). Natural Cycles was recently approved by the FDA to be recognized in the states as a form of birth control. SO CONGRATS, DOC! Dr. Berglund is on our September list for being super smart, innovative, and for standing up for women’s health.